Washington - Concentrate while driving is a must do. In addition to convenience awake, the driver can also maneuver and choose the right path. Full concentration while driving is also very decisive road safety.
However, a study conducted Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), which is the representative office of the National Highway Safety Agency in the state of the United States showed alarming results.
"As many as 25-50 percent of the driver losing concentration or impaired while driving a car," the release of the institute as reported thecarconnection.com, Tuesday, July 12, 2011.
That fact is not messing around and baseless. GHSA admitted that figure is the conclusion of the study, published in 250 scientific manuscripts throughout 2000 until the first half of 2011. Scientific papers are then summarized in a paper contains 50 pages and titled "Distracted Driving: What Research Shows and What States Can Do."
Several important discoveries in the study were:
1. As many as 25-50 percent of drivers do not concentrate or disturbed his concentration while driving.
2. Some things that obstruct the driver while driving is visual disturbances, such as turning off the road in front of him, read the billboards, posters, and others. In addition, listening to the sound or sounds, like voices from outside the car, radio, tape and compact disc player is also a factor lowering the concentration of the other.
3. Other findings that are not less alarming is the third of the respondents admitted calling while driving. In fact, one in eight respondents said typing and sending short messages (SMS) via cell phone while controlling the car.
4. Approximately 15-30 percent of the accidents involved drivers who admitted the loss of concentration is the trigger of the accident.
5. Using hands free for easy talking on the phone was no safer than talking directly via mobile phones. The use of devices that still require special attention so that the concentration of the driver remains consumed.
6. Respondents believe that the rules prohibit calling and typing short messages on mobile phones in the long run does not have a significant impact in reducing accidents. The reason, loss of concentration is not solely because the two activities.
In addition to six of the above reasons, the researchers also found other factors cause the disruption of the driver's concentration. Some of it is manual and cognitive activity.
Manual activity in question is fiddling with something other than a steering wheel or the gear lever when shifting gears. "For example, tinkering with the audio system devices, cell phones, reading maps or brochures, and others."
As for cognitive impairment in question is thinking about something other than driving. Employment problems, household, and other social problems that burden the mind is a few things that cause the disruption of cognitive aspects
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